Friday, 10 August 2012

Celebrating a Running Anniversary!

This summer, I received a message from Uncle Bob on the day that he was celebrating his first year back at running. I thought since I never had anyone join me on my July run, we'd share his experience instead:

 On July 7, I emailed Janaya knowing that she would appreciate what I had to tell her. It was the one year anniversary of the day I started running...again. I had run several years before. In fact, I completed the Saskatchewan Marathon in 2001. I ran for a little while after that as well but then I just stopped. I made a few attempts to start up again in the years after but they didn't stick.

Last spring, I decided I wanted to get back into it again. So I started by walking around the neighbourhood and slowly adding distance for two months. Then I went to San Diego for holidays and started running on the beach. It wasn't easy, but I did it. And then I kept doing it. And when I came home, I continued running. I developed a route and several playlists for my ipod and pretty soon I got into the habit of running nearly every day. Even when I went back to work. Even when the winter came. Even when the snow began to melt in the spring. Even as July loomed nearer.

This summer, I returned to San Diego for holidays and I ran the same route (and more!) that I had one year earlier. I remembered it taking me about 30 minutes that first day and, oh my God, how my lungs burned and my calves ached. But I am happy to report that one year later, I ran 10.85 miles and ran for an hour and 44 minutes. I was very proud of my accomplishment.

What I found to be motivating for me is to mark on a calendar the days that I run. I even calculate the percentage of days I run at the end of each month. I focus more on the time than the distance that I run. I am content to focus on being able to run without stopping for a period of time, rather than focusing on the distance. 

Over the year, I tried to increase my time by intervals of about 5 mintues every week or so. Now I run between an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes which works out to be about 10 miles or so. For me, I am happy with that. I try not to let more than three days in a row go by without a run.

I have just recently been using the Nikeplus running tracker which is awesome. Janaya told be about it and I got one at the end of June. I am happy to report that, after using it for just under two months, I have run nearly 500km! 

I am at the point where I enjoy running. I like how it makes me feel afterward. I like that my clothes fit better now. I don't ache (too much) any more and I like the sense of accomplishment I get from doing it. That being said, I am still surprised as to how much 'self-talk' I need to get out and do it. Once I am running, I am happy to be doing so (usually) but it is still something that I sometimes struggle with- having (and keeping) the motivation to get out there and start it.

Here's to keeping motivated!

Thanks Unk! Bob is starting sabbatical from work and is planning to do a lot of travelling. I can't wait to hear about all of the neat places he will run over the next year!

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