Wednesday 11 January 2012

Thank you

I need to take a couple more days to clear my thoughts before I write much more, but I just wanted to take a second to say thank you so very much for all of the support and encouragement. I really, really appreciate all of your kind words and it has reaffirmed for me the decision to proceed with this.

I have also been asked by quite a few people how donations can be made. I am in the process of setting up an event with the Canadian Cancer Society Saskatchewan division. Once that is established, any pledges or donations will be able to be made online. I believe that I will also be able to accept donations and issue tax receipts as well if necessary. I will let you know once this is up and running.

Again, I am thankful for each of your comments and messages. I should have known not to expect anything less from such a great group of friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. Hi J, I have noticed a lot of blogs who accept donations use PayPal. Maybe check that out too :)
