Friday 25 May 2012

Fit Friendships

Last week was my first outdoor soccer game of the season. I had a few butterflies, but mostly I was just excited to see my teammates and get out on the field together. It's hard for me to believe that it was only a year ago that I had my very first soccer game EVER on the that same field!

As much as 2012 is a year for me to try to push myself and achieve the goals I've set out for myself, 2011 was a year of many 'fitness firsts' for me.

Last January, I joined a fun, but short lived running club in Warman. It was the first time that I'd run with a group and the first time I'd ventured outside to run in the winter....and it was a COLD one! Without that group, there's NO WAY I would have logged those miles outside!

Also in January 2011, I first started going to a BOSU ball class that is offered out here on Saturday mornings. It is one of my favourite workouts and I always look forward to it! It's fun to meet up with the same people each week and see what the instructor has in store for us.

My friend Andrea and I completed our first ever winter running event last March. Together, we ran the 10km at the Brainsport Brainfreeze. It was a frosty winter day, but not nearly as bad as a few of our Sunday training runs had been! We continued to train together with the Warman running club until the end of May when we completed the Saskatchewan Marathon with our friend Dawn.

Only a week later, I had the chance to join a group of women as they travelled to Alberta to complete the Banff to Jasper Relay. It was the first time that I had been away from my family on my own and I only knew a couple of the girls, so I was quite nervous. But, right away it was obvious that they were friendly and welcoming.

I can't really explain what it meant for me to participate in this event, surrounded by such beautiful scenery and being supported by such strong women. They teased me about my ear-to-ear smile (which I had even while I ran my leg of the relay); but, this trip was so out of my realm I couldn't help but be HAPPY.

Also that Spring, as I mentioned before, I joined a ladies' soccer team. I had NEVER played any kind of team sport so this was WAY out of my comfort zone! But there were a couple of us who were in the same boat, and our coach and the other girls were so understanding and didn't seem to mind teaching me the basics....and I mean the VERY basics! I'd never worn shin guards or cleats, never mind have an understanding of the rules! But, I could run, so they put me on as a midfielder and I LOVE it!

Once I felt comfortable enough playing, my husband brought the boys to watch a few of my games. It made me so happy to have them there cheering for my team!

I was asked by the Crystalbrook Community Group if I would be willing to help plan and organize the first Warman Run, Walk & Wiggle. It felt great to be able to use my running experience to help the group pull the event together. We coordinated this fun September day and were able to fundraise around $4000 to give back to our community.

Finally, last Fall, I got to stay with my soccer team and play for the indoor season. As much as I loved playing outdoor, I was thrilled with the intensity and speed of the indoor games. The indoor season is about twice as long as the outdoor one. The thirty or so games we played this winter, gave me a chance to really start to feel comfortable playing and to get know the girls on the team. What a great group of women!
This was our eighties indoor wind-up

So, 2011 was an exciting year for me and I am so thankful for the wonderful friendships that I had a chance to make. I love the feeling of camaraderie that comes from working together to achieve a goal. Especially when it requires you to push yourself physically and test your limits.

To that end, I started up a little running group called "Moms on the Run". In the middle of April, I invited some of the women I know who are runners or walkers, or who have shown an interest in giving it a try, to meet together. It has been a lot of fun! Many of the group are already established runners and they have enjoyed getting out with others. In fact, I hadn't run with anyone since I had finished my training last Spring and I had forgotten how nice it is to run with company! The miles just go by so much faster.

But, more than that for me, it has felt great to be able to encourage the girls who are a bit unsure of themselves. It's amazing what a difference it can make for someone to know that you believe in their ability to do something, even when they don't. It's easy for me to be reassuring because I remember when I was first starting out....if I can run, anyone can!

This weekend is the Saskatchewan Marathon. I am really excited for it! I feel good going into it. The rain seems to have passed and the forecast is good. I got in a decent long run and a couple short easy ones this week. I've been eating my carbs and resting. I plan on behaving myself tomorrow night and as long as my boys cooperate too (fingers crossed), I should get a good sleep. So, things are shaping up nicely. BUT, I am REALLY excited for my friends who have been training so hard and pushing themselves over the last couple months. There are many of my soccer teammates who are going to run their first 10km race at the event and a couple friends who are going to join me in the half marathon.

Have fun on Sunday girls! I saw this quote and thought I would share it.

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