Sunday 6 May 2012

Just Tri-It

Shortly after the Saskatoon Road Runners featured the little blurb about me in their weekly newsletter, I received an email from one of the organizers of the Just Tri-It Saskatoon program. They were looking for interesting people to come and talk to the group of women about their experience(s) running. She had seen the write-up about me & checked out my blog and felt that I fit the bill. So, after reminding myself why I started this project, I hesitantly agreed.

The Just Tri-It program is beginner triathlon training for women only. The Just-Tri-It program is a great place to start. It offers 10 weeks of training opportunities for women of all ages in swimming, biking, and running/walking. It is a fun, relaxed and informal group of women who all have the goal of developing a more active and healthy lifestyle. The participants are automatically registered in the Makin' It Happen Race that is set to take place next weekend. The event consists of a 200m swim, 6km bike and a 2km walk/run.

Thursday, May 3rd was the night that I was slated to speak to the group. I was extremely nervous. In the past I was an alright public speaker, but (as was evident when I spoke at the steaknight in March), I'm a bit out of practice, lol! It's been quite some time, since I've addressed anyone more sophisticated than a group of 6 year olds.

It didn't help when I had a look at the Just Tri-It website and saw the fantastic list of speakers who had presented to the group in their first five weeks. They had learned about clothing, dynamic stretching, yoga & yin stretching, basic running techniques and nutrition....I am envious of everything they've been exposed to. I wondered though, how I could possibly compare with the knowledge these professionals have shared.

But, I reminded myself that it had been the organizer who had contacted me, so obviously she felt that I had something to offer to the group. I sucked it up and figured that the last couple months have pushed me so far beyond my comfort zone, what would another couple steps matter?

As she promised, they were a very low-key, fun, diverse group of women. I took my husband's advise and didn't write anything down and I just stood up and tried to tell them my 'story'. My goal was that I could convey to them, that even if running didn't end up being their favourite thing, I hoped that they could find an activity that would help them be healthy & active even after their Just Tri-It training was finished.

Like most things, I think with little bit of practice I could probably be an alright speaker again, but for now I spoke too quickly, missed some key parts, and I'm not sure if I made much of an impression, but I'm glad I went.  It was nice to meet a group of women who are pushing their limits and trying new things.

Thank you Just Tri-It Saskatoon for having me and good luck with your triathlon next weekend!

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