Friday 28 September 2012

An Inspiring Mamma!

I met my friend Annette about twelve years ago. Although we were both born and raised in Regina, we didn't meet until our husbands (boyfriends back then!) went through their professional training together. We've never had the chance to live in the same town (or the same province actually!) since, but we've always kept in touch.

Our friendship is based on our many similarities that go beyond the fact that we are both Prairie girls: We both lived in the North and dealt with the isolation, quirks and benefits that came with it. We both struggled with our weight during those same years. We were at each other's weddings. We both loved dogs. We had our first babies around the same time. In 2008, they came here for a concert and although we hadn't seen each other in years, it was like we'd never skipped a beat. We had a blast! I remember discussing our reservations about having more kids.....but it wasn't too long after that we both welcomed our second sons to the world! Annette and I both support our husband's careers; and are thankful in return, to have the opportunity to stay home with our boys.

So, over the years our paths have been very similar. Then this summer, Annette had been running with Nike + and her runs were being posted on Facebook. After I had written an encouraging comment, Annette phoned me. It was so nice to talk to her, but the longer we were on the phone, the more obvious it became that something had happened.

Here is Annette's inspiring story:

I had found my niche.  Everything was perfect.  I was 30 years old, and in a strong, loving relationship with a great man who I was lucky enough to call my Husband.  I had two beautiful and healthy baby boys with him and was fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom.  I had also been following an exercise and eating program that had me comfortable in my own skin again after years of ups and downs with baby weight.  Okay… if I’m being honest, it was not just baby weight.  In fact some of those ups and downs happened before my children were around.  Indulgence weight, emotional eating weight, lazy weight… I’ll face facts.  I love food. All kinds and lots of it!  So to be in a consistent and healthy routine with occasional indulgence was a win!
My fall from grace started in June of 2011 when camping season began.  I’m not sure what camping is like for anyone else, but in my head it means hot dogs and burgers, potato chips and marshmallows, sunflower seeds and beer.  I quickly decided in an effort to feel somewhat balanced I needed to keep up my running while I was indulging in my favorite summer junk foods.  I started running outdoors which I’d never done before. I noticed after every run that my feet were sore.  I mean REALLY sore!  The pads of my feet were painful, even my toes hurt.  I kyboshed the running and decided to have my indulgent summer, and if my feet weren’t better by the fall, I would head into the Doctor.
Fall came.  My potato chips had settled nicely on my backside, and my feet still hurt.  I went to the Doctor, who sent me to a podiatrist, who ordered my custom orthotics for collapsing arches. I thought, “Great, a solution!”  The orthotics did fix my feet, but the rest of me fell apart.  My pain went into my knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers.  I went back to my podiatrist to ask if this was typical.  He said in all of his years of practice, he’d never seen this kind of reaction to correcting arches.  He strongly suggested I return to the doctor and have them rule out systemic diseases.  
I returned to my family doctor.  2 months later, after x-rays, 3 rounds of blood work, a complete physical, and a lot of tears, pain and sleepless nights, I was sitting in the Rheumatologist’s office for my first appointment with him.  He came in, went over my chart with me, asked me my current symptoms, and had me copy movements with my body.  There were a number of them I just couldn’t do.  My pain crippled me to the point that I couldn’t make a proper fist, I couldn’t lift my arms over my head, I couldn’t reach behind me, crouching down was impossible.  Things I had always taken for granted, like grasping and turning a doorknob, were movements I had never thought twice about until I was unable to do them.  I think we spent about 15 minutes in his office talking about my symptoms while he examined my capabilities.  15 minutes before he dropped the bomb.  I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.
There are many different types of Arthritis, but my particular type, put simply, means that my immune system was recognizing the healthy tissues surrounding my joints as the enemy and attacking them.  I was given information on the medications available to me.  The Doctor told me which one he wanted to put me on, and sent me home to think about it.  I was devastated at the news, but needed to try something.  I had a life I needed to get back to.  I couldn’t continue this way.  I began the medication and hoped the Doctor’s plan would work.
A month later, I read Janaya’s first blog post.  It brought me to tears for many reasons. The line that smacked me in the face and inspired me was ‘Getting to "normal" has taken me a lot of effort....a lot of baby steps. But, if I can do it, anyone can’.  I’m anyone!  I wanted normal, and I wanted my life back!  I could do this, with a whole lot of baby steps.  After shaking off the heavy layer of pathetic self pity that had settled around me, I did the research and made the necessary adjustments to my life that were needed to get better.  Healthy food, lots of sleep and the medication I was taking were a successful treatment cocktail, and two months after my diagnosis I started noticing drastic improvements.  
I kept up with Janaya’s blog and events along the way, and was inspired to start running again. I checked in with my Rheumatologist who gave his stamp of approval, and I was off to the treadmill.  I literally cried tears of joy as I ran.  There was a point in the months I was sick that I didn’t think I’d ever see my body move with ease again.  I felt triumphant!  

I called Janaya in June.  I wanted to tell her how inspirational her ’12 in 2012’ is.  I expressed my gratitude for her blog, and how it helped me with my diagnosis.  There are few people in this world that shine like she does.  To be faced with such a profound loss, and to feel the impact of that grief but still go on to turn a devastating situation into a hopeful one is nothing short of incredible.  I was dealt a hand that was less than ideal, but I had the opportunity to turn it into something positive.  I had no excuses for watching life pass me by.  I could do something to help myself.  She inspired me to get my life back.  Slowly, but surely, I managed to do just that. 
With the motivation to power through my struggle with RA, I have gone from having trouble getting out of bed in October of last year, to running my furthest distance of 6 km this past week!  I know 6 km doesn’t sound like much, but considering I couldn’t even have walked 1 km a year ago, I’ll take it!  I participated in my very first running event last month at the Winnipeg River Run and completed the 5 km run.  I had SO much fun doing that event that I decided to sign up for another event! I will be running another 5 km course in November at the Jingle Bell Walk & Run for Arthritis in Brandon, MB.  

I will continue to slowly challenge myself, increase my distance, and do what my body will allow, and I will be thankful for every baby step along the way.  Running gives me a break from ‘life’, a feeling of power and strength, and one more reason to be thankful for my health. Thank you, Janaya, for being a strong inspiration to take charge of my health.  I consider myself so incredibly fortunate to call you my friend, and I am so proud of all you have done.  If you ever need your horn tooted, call me. You are extraordinary.

Thank you SO much Annette for sharing your story. You have given me much too much credit. It is your spirit and determination that have helped you adapt & thrive in the face of your devastating diagnosis; but, I am thrilled that the blog was able to help you along your path. I too, am extremely thankful for your friendship!

Annette is running in the Jingle Bell Walk & Run on November 4th. Check out her personal page with the Arthritis Society if you are interested in supporting her or learning more about it. Way to go Annette!

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