Monday 24 September 2012

The "To-Do" List

My sister-in-law Lynn, has always been someone I've looked up to, even back when we were in high school. She just always seems to have her 'shit' together (I'm sorry, but I can't think of any better way to say it, lol!). She's organized, she works hard at a career she loves, she's a great mom & supportive wife, fantastic Auntie and among other things she's always been fit and healthy (something I looked up to especially when I struggled with my weight).

When Lynn started running, I was so excited for her! However, she soon admitted that she didn't really love it the same way I do....but she stuck with it anyway! Here's her story:

Well, we all think we are busy. That is, until we get busier. I think back to my single days or even early married days and think why didn't I run then? But instead, I decided to "become one of them" shortly after my first son was born, and VERY soon after discovered my second was on the way. Perfect time to start, right?! 

For me running is "quick and dirty". It allows me to check a lot of things off the to do list which is one of my favorite things to do. A) exercise B) spend time outside C) get some alone time D) give our 100lbs dog, Wilson, some attention and exercise. So I run. I don't love it. I don't get any crazy "runner’s high" from it. I don't count the minutes till the next run. I just don't. Maybe one day? Maybe not? But for me, it is just an easy way to get a lot of things off the list. 

To say I "trained" for the QCM would be a lie. I did run and ran as often as possible. But as I mentioned earlier, not loving it and all, I found I would peeter out and head home between 5-10km. So why not try and run  21.1km on race day?! 

I did it, ran the race, set a personal best time and shhhhh don't tell anyone, I actually enjoyed it, yep it was FUN! 

And what good are any personal best times unless we aim to beat them, right? 

To do twelve of these in a year is incredible! Glad I was able to participate in one and to support such a great cause and fabulous sister-in-law. 


Thanks for a great run Lynn! You did so well and I'm so happy that you had fun!

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