Monday 24 September 2012

My Mom

My mom has always been my biggest supporter and I don't mean just the quiet behind the scenes kind of support. Mom was always actively involved in everything my brother and I did. She drove us and our friends to where we needed to be, she sewed my dancing costumes and came with us to the out of town competitions and when she couldn't, she'd be at the airport cheering and waving an encouraging banner! Even now that I'm grown (and have myself become a banner waving mom!), she continues to be a huge source of support for me. I know that I always have her in my corner.

Growing up, I watched my mom struggle with her weight. I know that was always something she hoped that I wouldn't have to deal with myself. When I gained weight and became unhealthy, I know it was disappointing for her. But, over the years we have worked at becoming active and healthy & we are both much happier because of it.

Mom has transformed herself. She has not only changed her physical appearance by shedding weight, she has also been able to drastically improve her health. I was so proud to have her participate in the relay at the QCM. Here's what she had to say about it:

During Janaya’s first year of university, she brought home a vibrant, lovely, off the wall, friend. She would gallop off in wild antics and then rush back to calmly chat. This was our introduction to Heather.

A few years later when I made the bridesmaid dresses for Janaya’s wedding, Heather was so easy to please. She did a little pirouette and said “You made me beautiful”. It wasn’t me or the dress that made her beautiful; she did that all by herself. 

When we lost her to cancer, I was overcome by such a sense of helplessness and despair. No one can ever replace Heather. 

When I heard of Janaya’s plan to run a 1/2 marathon per month in memory of Heather and to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. 

As Janaya has already blogged, cancer is very prevalent in our family. I have lost my sister Jean and a number of good friends to different forms of cancer. I worked at the Allan Blair Cancer Center in Regina as a registered nurse so I have seen first hand how much the donations are needed and utilized.

When plans began for the Queen City Marathon in Regina, I volunteered to walk a portion with one of the relay teams. 

In 1999, I underwent a six vessel coronary artery bypass surgery and in 2009, I had a intra-cardiac defibrillator implanted so it just felt wonderful to be able to be there with my nieces and nephews and their friends in memory of our dear relatives and friends and in support of Janaya. 

I didn’t do any extra training for the relay- my portion was only 3.5 km and ever since my heart surgery, I have walked further than that every day. I can not run but my team mates assured me that was OK.

I’m not going to talk much about my “Walk”; It wasn’t picture perfect but, I FINISHED it.

We decided we would do a steak night fundraiser on the Sunday night after the run with proceeds going to Janaya’s 12 in 2012 event with the Canadian Cancer Society. I would like to sincerely thank Larry’s and my friends, neighbours, relatives and co-workers for coming out and buying tickets, donating prizes and pledges, taking part in the door prizes and silent auction and supporting us and Janaya in this endeavor.

As a mom, I am allowed to brag a little bit. I am so very proud of Janaya. The first time I ever saw her run a 1/2 marathon, I was bawling and she still can bring tears to my eyes. 

This year has been a wonderful tribute to the life of her very good friend, Heather Stearn. It has been a year of very hard work and dedication. I look at Janaya in awe of how she has turned her whole life around into one of physical well-being. She, herself just looks fantastic but she is inspiring and encouraging so many other people, family, friends and strangers alike to live more active lives  and develop into healthy individuals. Janaya, my heart bursts with pride.

Thanks Mom!

As always, when Lynn & I passed the teams at the first relay exchange zone, my Mom's cheers of encouragement were the loudest of all! And my boys were thrilled to have the chance to cheer for grandma as she completed her leg of the race.

1 comment:

  1. What a heart-warming entry. I am wiping away tears.
